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How does it work?

An HDD rig makes a horizontal bore hole from one location to another. This is accomplished with the use of flexible steel rods. The position of the drill head can be accurately controlled through the use of electronics that monitor and track the position of the drill head location through a sensor located in the bore head below the surface. Directional changes may be made to the drilling alignment during the process of drilling without interruption or removal. Through small adjustments made by the operator running the HDD corrections can be made to go around trees, under foundations, buried utilities, lakes or streams, and around or under other manmade obstructions. Once the pilot hole has been completed a reamer is pulled back while rotating to enlarge the hole to a size that will permit installation of the pipe.  An environmentally safe special drilling mud is used to lubricate the reamer and stabilize the hole.  Surplus drilling mud and other extracted materials are removed from the site at the completion of the installation leaving a clean, environmentally unaffected work site.

What are the benefits to Horizontal Directional Drilling?

  • HDD means the neatness of a trenchless installation

  • HDD avoids traffic disruptions

  • HDD drills under lakes, rivers, structures, roads and other impediments

  • HDD can bore below the freeze line in the winter months. The job starts earlier and finishes sooner.

  • HDD is environmentally friendly. There is no disruption to naturally occurring vegetation, etc.

Tel: 519-372-0905

Fax: 519-372-2134

Owen Sound (Head Office)
170 Thom Drive, RR#5
Ontario, N4K 5N7

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